Saturday 4 February 2012

Jyhan Artut 4-3 Gary Mawson

Germany v USA
Jyhan Artut v Gary Mawson
1-0 - Artut delights the home crowd by hitting double top to win the opening leg.
2-0 - Artut hits a 177 and finishes 64 in two darts to move two legs up.
2-1 - Mawson hits back with a 93 finish, ending on double 16.
3-1 - A crucial fourth leg goes the way of the German, who initially misses double 16 before Mawson is just off-target with double six for a 126 checkout to allow Artut back in on double eight.
3-2 - Mawson pulls back to within a leg by hitting double ten.
3-3 - Artut misses double top for a 116 finish and victory, and Mawson silences the home crowd by landing double 12 with his third dart to force a deciding leg.
4-3 - Artut is first to a finish, and posts double top at the first time of asking to take the win.

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