Saturday 4 February 2012

Raymond van Barneveld 4-3 Dietmar Burger

Netherlands v Austria
Raymond van Barneveld v Dietmar Burger
1-0 - Burger misses double ten and five to lead, and van Barneveld posts double 16 for the first leg.
1-1 - Burger levels with his second dart at a double.
1-2 - van Barneveld misses two darts to lead, and Burger posts double top to put himself ahead.
2-2 - Burger hits a 180, but van Barneveld lands a 174 score and finishes 76 on double eight to square the match.
2-3 - Burger hits double eight to take the fifth leg and move one away from the win.
3-3 - van Barneveld finishes 64 on double 16 to send the match into a decider.
4-3 - van Barneveld misses two darts at double eight, but Burger is unable to finish 76 and the Dutchman returns to hit double four.

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